
Hawaii Baptist Academy's Student News

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Spirit Week

Spirit Week hustle and bustle continues with Era Day and a brand new activity. On day two of Spirit Week 2014, students dressed up accordingly to the an era assigned to their grade. Seventh graders had Romans, eighth graders had Western, and freshmen had the Great Depression. In the end, the seniors (Pirates), juniors (Egyptians), …

The second day of Spirit Week was probably the most culturally diverse of the entire week.   This day's theme called for students to dress up according an assigned era. The assignments were: 7th Grade: Roman 8th Grade: Western 9th Grade: The Great Depression 10th Grade: Futuristic 11th Grade: Egypt 12th Grade: Pirates     …

This year's Spirit Week is themed Misunderstood Monsters. Class mascots range from Team Rocket from Pokémon to Swiper the Fox from Dora the Explorer. Students get to dress up according to different themes, starting off the week with athletic wear and ending on Friday with school colors—black, gold, and white. Classes also take part in …

On the first day back from Winter Break, HBA middle and high school students had the opportunity to enjoy a uniform-free school day. Students could be found in sweats, t-shirts, high socks, and running shoes. This was all a part of HBA's annual Spirit Week 2014. The first day of the activity-packed week included a …

Spirit Week 2014 kicked off this past Monday with its first dress up theme: Work-Out Day Students worked hard to create their most sporty costumes—luckily, without breaking a sweat. You can be featured in an upcoming Featured Costumes post too! Just come in your best attire and maybe you'll be spotted!   [one_third][/one_third] [two_third_last]Junior Rika …

Student Council assigns Spirit Week dress-up days with a creative game. As usual, the student council started off the all-school homeroom with a game. Each grade had to select two representatives: "an intelligent boy" and "an athletic girl". The players had to place Christmas presents into their own hula hoop while trying to place other …

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