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Students Poised for Annual Regatta Race

This Friday, students from several science class periods will compete against each other in a boat race at the Wet ‘n’ Wild water park in HBA’s second annual Cardboard Boat Regatta.

Physics and AP physics students led by Andrew Vitek will face off against Claire Mitchell’s AP Environmental Science and Oceanography classes for a winner-takes-all boat race.

The rules are simple and the stakes are high for this year’s event. For Vitek’s Physics and AP Physics classes, all teams are allowed to use cardboard and duct tape. Teams are also allowed to use waterproofing sprays and caulking to fill in joints and corners to prevent the deterioration of the cardboard when placed in water. Mitchell’s AP Environmental Science teams are allowed to use reclaimed materials to build their boats.

Organizing a large scale event like this isn’t an easy task. Mitchell and Vitek have to juggle both logistical details like transportation and race line-ups, and administrative details like grading. “It’s a lot of work but it’s totally worth it!” commented Mitchell.

All teams will be competing for a good grade as well as bragging rights among the science classes involved. For Vitek’s classes, the winning teams from both the regular and the AP classes will be awarded spots on the famous “Wall of Fame” in his classroom.

Teams whose boats sink before the starting line will have to complete an assignment after the race at the park while their classmates get free time to enjoy the park rides. “[The losing teams] will have to carry the shame of defeat for the rest of their lives. The stakes are high,” jokingly adds Mitchell.

In addition to winning the race, teams can also vie for five awards for bonus points. The categories include the “Vogue Award” for the best looking boat overall. “The Pride of the Regatta Award” goes to the team with the most creatively designed boat. The “Swag Award” goes to the team with the best costumes. The “Pom Pom Award” will be awarded to the group with the most team spirit. The final award goes to the team with the most spectacular or dramatic sinking and is dubbed the “Titanic Award”.

With one more day left to the race, Mitchell said, “I hope this year’s group has as much fun as last year’s group did. It should be a great day for a boat regatta!”

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Ryan Su

Ryan Su

I am a senior (class of 2017) at Hawaii Baptist Academy. This is my third semester taking News Production. I have become the photography guy here and shoot at many school related events. Some other things about me is that I shoot with Nikon, I have taken close to 30,000 pictures over the past four years, I’m usually a quiet person, and my favorite font is Helvetica Neue (preferably thin or ultralight). I also like to shoot sunsets, listen to music, and browse the B&H website for new equipment ideas. I don’t know how to end this bio so yeah, go read another bio or look at some of my work (or don’t). Have a nice day.


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