
Hawaii Baptist Academy's Student News

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How We Spend Our Time

It’s no secret that HBA students have a full plate when it comes to school work and extracurricular activities.

The Eagle Eye polled 167 HBA high school students (grades 9-12) to see where the hours go during a school week. We were also curious to see how much sleep and food students got during the week. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that teenagers get eight to nine hours of sleep per night. Unfortunately, only 27% of HBA students polled fall into this category. We also found that close to 70% of students spend time participating in a sport, while close to half have minimal participation in a club activity. Wherever you find yourself in the spectrum of time spent in a school activity, we hope this data gives you some food for thought when it comes to figuring out if you’re using your time well, and taking care of yourself at the same time.


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