
Hawaii Baptist Academy's Student News

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Eight graders celebrate Colonial Day

Every year, the eighth graders learn about life during America’s Colonial period during their Colonial Day.

The students are introduced to parts of Colonial lifestyle such as butter making, calligraphy, Colonial food, and much more. Students dress up in either Colonial-themed or Native American clothes.  Below are some pictures from this year’s Colonial day.

Photographs by Darren Nirei (’15) and Brandon Yama (’15)

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Blaise Takushi

Blaise Takushi

I am currently a junior at Hawaii Baptist Academy and first got involved with Journalism when I took the introduction class last year. My favorite movie of all time is Rise of the Planets of the Apes, and my favorite TV show is Sportscenter. Pink and gray are my favorite colors. I’ve been at HBA since the fourth grade. I am part of the 10% of the population that is left handed.


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