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Kyle Kadomoto

Kyle Kadomoto

Kyle Kadomoto

Photographs courtesy of James Miura and Deren Oshiro. For the fourth time in four years, HBA's varsity boys volleyball team captured the HHSAA Division 2 State Championship title. The match, held on Saturday, May 10, at the Neil Blaisdell Center, secured HBA’s sixth state championship in seven years. The Eagles beat Seabury Hall's Spartans 21-25, …

The student council hosted the high school’s first ever volleyball intramural tournament. Students formed teams between three and six players to participate in the two week-long tournament. The goal of intramural volleyball is fun and team participation. History teacher Robert Weismantel, who organized the tournament, said, “I want [the students] to enjoy the [opportunity] for …

The HBA high school wind ensemble went to Disneyland during Spring Break to perform at the Anaheim Heritage Festival and won a silver award. This is the first time that an HBA high school band has taken part in a competition on the mainland. The event featured schools from all over the country and took …

Seniors were surprised on April Fool's Day with root beer floats by their class council. Following all-school homeroom, vice principal Ryan Frontiera informed the senior class that due to a lack of cleanliness, the seniors had lost the privilege of using the senior area. In addition, their off-campus privileges were suspended. This was actually an …

The Boys Varsity Varsity team placed fourth at the Maui Invitational Volleyball Tournament held at Seabury Hall where they participated in a two-day, ten-team tourney.The boys team traveled to Seabury High School in Makawao, Maui from February 28 to March 1 for the tournament. There were two pools of five teams and HBA's pool consisted …

AP Physics students took a trip to the Punahou Carnival to put their classroom knowledge to the test. In previous years, the AP Physics class would take a field trip to the Punahou School carnival to use their working knowledge of physics on the Pharaoh’s Fury, a ride that simulates a working pendulum. The ride …

Molokai game photograph courtesy of Andrew Dang. The varsity basketball girls wrapped up their season with an overall record of 14-4 (9-0 division), becoming ILH Division 2 champions for the second consecutive year and placing third in the division state championships. This is the first time the Lady Eagles have made it to the state …

The Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks clinch their conferences and will face off in New Jersey on February 2, 2014. The road to the Super Bowl narrowed even more as four teams turned into two in a matter of hours. Sunday featured two critical games; games that determined who would play in the Super Bowl …

Sophomores dominated Spirit Week 2014 in three of four major categories: All-School Cheer, Mascot, and Pepper Squad, giving them the victory and the Mana Cup. They finished with a total of 305 points, while the seniors finished with 278 points, and the juniors came in third with 266 points. It was an unexpected win, especially …

Spirit Week 2014 excitement continues as each grade presented their Pepper Squad routines on Thursday. The highlight of Day Four is when classes present their pepper squad during the end of day assembly. This year, each class must tell an original backstory of their assigned villain or monster. In previous years, the dress-up day assignment …