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Home/Danielle Woo

Danielle Woo

Danielle Woo

Danielle Woo

As you can see, my name is Danielle (the other one) and I am a senior. I’ve been with the Eagle Eye since I was a red-faced, puny sophomore, but things have changed. Now, I’m a red-faced, puny senior (with redder hair). I have way too many opinions and my favorite thing in the world is writing. I love sarcasm, bread, bunnies, makeup, and fat cats are my favorite animals. I hope to live in New York one day to pursue writing and communications, and also hope to own many soft animals. Did I mention I like fluffy things?

Just like the teachers here at HBA, high school students were also asked to express any pet peeves they have when it comes to teachers. This is what they had to say:   1. I dislike when teachers favor certain students just because they do better in that class. It doesn’t give the other students …

April Fool's Day is best known for the pranks and practical jokes pulled on innocent and unsuspecting people simply for entertainment and laughs. While the day itself is supposed to be a light hearted and comedic time, the history behind it is not so humorous. Circa AD 276, Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus was proclaimed …

Radio hosts are set in place to give stations a ‘personality’ that the common public will recognize and remember. While having complete control of a live show can be a liberating job, it’s not an excuse to belittle people just because it increases self-esteem and solicits laughs from other people. Any host’s main focus is …

On the week of February 24, HBA hosted its first Intramural Basketball Tournament and Entrepreneurship Day at the high school. The tournament was organized by history teacher Robert Weismantel. Entrepreneurship Day was an opportunity for students to sell goods such as t-shirts, beanies, desserts and other handmade items to benefit a charity. [one_third] “If you …

Despite being the holiday of romance and love, St. Valentine’s Day has earned an almost infamous connotation. It’s a given that this holiday will bring flower/chocolate/gift shops a sudden boost in income as men and women all over the world scramble to find the perfect gift for their loved one. There’s a plethora of ways …

HBA’s 2013 Winter Banquet was held at the Ala Moana Hotel; this time with a tropical twist. Almost three hundred students attended this year’s banquet—themed Christmas in the Sand—and the night was hosted by seniors Bryn Yasui and Vivian Kuo. There were short intervals of table games to keep the guests entertained, including a Christmas …

The second day of Spirit Week was probably the most culturally diverse of the entire week.   This day's theme called for students to dress up according an assigned era. The assignments were: 7th Grade: Roman 8th Grade: Western 9th Grade: The Great Depression 10th Grade: Futuristic 11th Grade: Egypt 12th Grade: Pirates     …

Spirit Week 2014 kicked off this past Monday with its first dress up theme: Work-Out Day Students worked hard to create their most sporty costumes—luckily, without breaking a sweat. You can be featured in an upcoming Featured Costumes post too! Just come in your best attire and maybe you'll be spotted!   [one_third][/one_third] [two_third_last]Junior Rika …

On December 5 and 6, Forensics students took a trip to the Medical Examiner's Office to get a glimpse of forensic science in the real world. Forensics teacher Jordan Yasutomi led the trips, which consisted of juniors and seniors. "Together with the forensics examiner, students performed case studies where most of [the medical examiner's] patients …

As the Winter Banquet makes its approach, the buzz about what to wear for the formal event is becoming more uproarious than usual. Earlier this week, there was an email from the principal to all of the girls attending this year's Winter Banquet about the updated dress code restrictions. Upon taking a closer look at …