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Spirit Week 2020: Day 2

On the second day of Spirit Week 2020, students dressed up as their favorite nursery rhyme or children’s book characters.

Dr Seuss characters in particular swarmed the school; all seniors came dressed as Dr. Seuss characters and there were many pairs of Thing 1 and Thing 2, and even Things 4 through 6. The day’s assembly had classes competing against each other in Capture the Flag. The game was played in three rounds: boys, girls, and mixed.

Day 2 Standings:
1st Place: Seniors (40 pts)
2nd Place: Sophomores (30 pts)
3rd Place: Juniors (20 pts)
4th Place: Eighth Grade (15 pts)
5th Place: Freshmen (14 pts)
6th Place: Seventh Grade (4 pts)

Related Posts:
Spirit Week 2020: Scrambled Cinema
Spirit Week 2020: Day 1
Spirit Week 2020: Day 3
Spirit Week 2020: Day 4

Photographs by Jarin Ashimine (’20), Timothy Dixon (’20), and Lance Tasaka (’20)

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